What can we do together?

Beth conducting a customized workshop about teen engagement.

Take a Wide View:

Understand the present; create the future

  1. Get smart on what works and why: gain access to customer, landscape, and scholarly data

  2. Understand your audience’s motivations—interests, fears, and hopes

  3. Design something new, rooted in proven practices

Trends and Landscape Analysis, Strategic Planning, Business Model Canvas, Project Launch Plans

Look Within:

Learn from outcomes; move toward deeper impact

  1. Track your progress toward goals

  2. Improve your practice: Identify key programmatic levers to achieve targets

  3. Understand and communicate your accomplishments to funders

Theories of Change + Logic Models, Dashboards, Evaluation Plans, Program Assessments, Other Data Collection + Analysis

Beth conducts a strategic coaching session with a client.

Help Your Team/Organization/Board Get Smart, Fast

  • Scholar-in-Residence: Host Beth for an expert overview of American Jewish life. This is ideal for anyone exploring trends in Jewish engagement and education—from lay committees and professional teams to larger organizational leadership bodies and communities.

  • Facilitation: Hire Beth to facilitate a half-day or day-long strategic conversation.

  • Content Strategy: Work with Beth to design and execute interactive, meaningful conferences where participants learn to apply what they are hearing.

  • Professional Development: Organize a professional development session or ongoing 1:1 coaching with Beth. Provide mentoring to  executives with new responsibilities related to engagement, data, and outcomes.